Excel To SQL Server

Microsoft Excel

   For many Small and Medium Businesses owners, Microsoft Excel is used to build spreadsheets to run the business. 

   But, many times, these spreadsheets become a mess. Too many tabs. Too many calculations, and clutter. Slow speed. Like many things in life, you can outgrow what you have. What do you do then?

   Simple. When you outgrow your Excel spreadsheet to run your business functions, you should contact us.

   We can take your Excel spreadsheet and move it's data to a Microsoft SQL Server database. Additionally, we can put a web application, with ASP.NET to replace your Excel program, or a custom Windows program.

Microsoft SQL Server

Microsoft SQL Server

   Microsoft SQL Server is the  database system which Small and Medium businesses around the world turn to for their data needs. It can filter through millions of data records and return the data you need in mere moments - try doing that with Microsoft Excel.

   Additionally, Microsoft SQL Server provides superior security. With Microsoft SQL Server, you can limit who has access to which piece of data - try doing that with Microsoft Excel.

     Contact us, so we can help you migrate from your Microsoft Excel spreadsheets to Microsoft SQL Server.

Microsoft Excel To Microsoft SQL Server Application Conversion

    Microsoft Excel helps a lot of businesses. We can build a custom application to replace your Microsoft Excel spreadsheets to allow their work to be taken to the next level.

   Microsoft SQL Server is a great platform for holding, securing, and filtering most any amount of data your business may have. Whereas, with Microsoft Excel, there is a strict limit to the number of rows of data you can have loaded into it.

   Contact us now so we can help you move from your spreadsheet which has seen it's best days to a new system built with Microsoft SQL Server at it's core.