Software Programming

   C Solutions specializes in software  programming for businesses and consumers.

   Many businesses use Microsoft Excel spreadsheets. But, however, Microsoft Excel, and its macros, can only take you and your business so far. 

   This is where C Solutions comes in.

   We specialize in custom software programming for businesses. Custom software programming can give your company tools which are made to improve your results and productivity.

   Specifically, we can build for you:

* Inventory management systems

* Document Management

* E-Commerce - make your company's goods and services available across the Internet

* Database Applications to track any important information your company runs on, then, have the ability to deliver reporting on how your company is doing in these areas, in real time. Try that with paper.
   Contact us, so we can help you with custom software programming for your business.

Web Programming

    Everybody knows about having company product brochures available across webpages, but do you know how to do this as easily as possible? Software programming for the web can allow custom computer code to be connected with a database, then,  many, dozens, or even thousands of products  can be made to show up on the web immediately. There's no need to make a webpage for each product when Web programming can take care of that for you. We use Microsoft's ASP.NET programming to build custom web solutions for our clientele.

    Additionally, anything you do currently with paper forms can, and should be done with custom applications. We can build custom applications for you to replace your paper forms with computer programs. These computer programs can allow your data to be saved into a database to allow for quicker retrieval as well as the opportunity to deliver business intelligence reporting. Do you know how much business you did in the last six months with clients in the surrounding area? With Web programming, we can give you those answers in seconds, and not minutes, hours, or days, or never, which it may take you now.

   For over the last decade, most every company prefers to have their custom applications built to use a Web interface. The reasons for this are many.

* All you need to effectively run the program is a Web browser connection to a Web server.

* Running programs through a web browser has the huge benefit of always running the latest software version. With Web applications, all you need to update is the server and it's code, then the program users are automatically running the latest version. Whereas with Windows applications, when there's an update, users need to install the update files. And, you have the stress and dilemmas of whether everyone is running the latest version of the software - with Windows applications.

   Contact us, so we can help you with custom web software programming for your business.